By Airhead - 06/11/2009 19:48 - Canada

Today, my guidance counselor told me that I did a really good job playing someone who was really airheaded in my school's play. I wasn't trying to act like an airhead, the director told me that I got cast for the part because the character I was playing was "just like me". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 888
You deserved it 6 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was probably telling you that you were a natural at acting, but obviously you're too airheaded to notice.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Do you mean airheaded as in some stupid, or airheaded as in somebody who gets distracted easily and daydreams? If you're talking about someone who can't concentrate, daydreams, etc.. then no FML. It's called ADD (or ADHD if you're hyper), I have it, too, and it's no big deal (there's medication for it). If you're talking about being stupid....... sorry about your luck. Perhaps you could buy a new brain on Ebay (they sell EVERYTHING these days).


lendmeyourteeth 0

yeahhh seriously common sense isn't hard at all, think before you speak irl

OP here: What makes it worse is that apparently in the original play, the character is actually slightly mentally retarded. *sigh*.

purpurp 0

Well, She can't be "that" dumb because she was able to understand what people really think of her. Most dumbasses cant even understand that!

25, OP is a he. Don't assume that OP is a girl just because the term "airhead" is being used.

Brooklynxman 0

That blows. Tell your guidance counselor, I'm sure he can help you see the bright side.

Why would he tell him??? The guy is praising him, why should he tell him "oh no, the praise is undeserved, I'm just naturally a moron"? I guess the OP isn't the only airhead here, huh? XD lol

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Do you mean airheaded as in some stupid, or airheaded as in somebody who gets distracted easily and daydreams? If you're talking about someone who can't concentrate, daydreams, etc.. then no FML. It's called ADD (or ADHD if you're hyper), I have it, too, and it's no big deal (there's medication for it). If you're talking about being stupid....... sorry about your luck. Perhaps you could buy a new brain on Ebay (they sell EVERYTHING these days).

He was probably telling you that you were a natural at acting, but obviously you're too airheaded to notice.

YDI, If ya don't like it, quit being such an airhead!

Well, just do the best you can then.

It's ok, some females are just like that. Nothing wrong with that. If you aren't attractive, than don't expect to go very far in life, but don't worry. The world always has lower class people and always will.

If you look you will see this FML was posted by a MAN, not an airhead female, nice sexist assumption though.

Excuse you? **** right off. Your the perfect example of a douche bag, grow up and realize females have just as many rights as men. assshole.

18-do you know the concept of sarcasm?