By Anonymous - 23/11/2014 12:52 - United Kingdom

Today, my grandpa came into my room and asked for a pen. As I gave it to him, he let rip the foulest fart I've ever smelled in my life, and walked out without a word. 2 hours later, the smell is not only still there, it's filled the room. Looks like I'm sleeping downstairs on the couch tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 310
You deserved it 2 983

Same thing different taste


Is there, like, drippage... somewhere...???

unicornluver3173 13

I swear some people just always vote YDI no matter what the situation was lol. In what way did OP possibly deserve this?? Is it OP's fault for being that guy's grandchild or something? I just don't understand how you could vote YDI on this in good conscience...

My stepdad literally did the same thing when he was fixing my tv. I had to open both windows in 35 degree weather to air the damn room out. I feel your pain, OP.

My mother does this a lot, especially when there's something keeping us from opening windows like super cold weather or excessive bugs outside. I know your pain OP.

Bigfabthetruth52 22

oh wow that shit just made me mad reading about i could only imagine how u felt.

seemo82 19

r u pretty sure he just farted ????