By kdeeeceee - 05/11/2011 07:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a sexy picture of herself in my boxers. I thought it would be funny to take a picture of myself in the thong she left in my room and send it to her. She thought it would be funnier on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 378
You deserved it 50 073

Same thing different taste


Psycho_Babydoll 26

Put her picture on Facebook and when she complains, claim it was funny and she has no sense of humour. That'll calm the bitch right down.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Or he can deal with this the mature way, that doesn't involve stupid Facebook wars.

And, if it comes to it, I'm fairly certain he can report the picture.

gracefield21 7

Well at least now you hav the option of not being tagged if you don't want :p

gracefield21 7

That won't help everyone knows who he is

And now your entire network knows you are small enough to fit into a womans thong. Was it just Cold and you had major shrinkage? =

joee182 3

his girl could be a lil on the plus size maybe?:o

fat chicks need lovin too. just not from me

sierra142 19

Why on earth would you put a thong on? That is hilarious.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Maybe he's a closet cross-dresser and he used that as an excuse...

I'm now wondering what kind of career the presence of this photo on Facebook is going to potentially ruin if/when someone digs this up a few years down the line...

leadman1989 15

Congressmen I just have one question do you recall taking these pictures?

leadman1989 15

Violently rip off her thong, leaving her asshole numb. (FML reference)

you made me laugh, thank you and FYL by the way ;)

TaylorTotsYumm 10


Yeah, i dont think its as funny or good looking the other way round :/