By kdeeeceee - 05/11/2011 07:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a sexy picture of herself in my boxers. I thought it would be funny to take a picture of myself in the thong she left in my room and send it to her. She thought it would be funnier on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 378
You deserved it 50 072

Same thing different taste


Hahahh, im sorry . Ask her to take it away?

You can't take of a pic once it's on fb

You can't delete on the Internet. Once it's there - it's always there (especially Facebook!)

Never take pictures you don't want the world to see. But what your gf did was pretty messed up. Those type of pics are meant to be kept private. I'd be mad if I were you.

perdix 29

You know, they do sell thong underwear for men. If you've got a good body, I suppose that could be quite sexy to women. I'm figuring the OP is a fattie with a tiny package, otherwise the picture might generate some interest and attention to the OP from the gf's "friends" who see it. If she looks good in his boxers, you can bet that he's not going to share that picture with his friends.

Put a link to LMFAO - sexy and I know it beneath it. Rock the confidence bro.

EvilTwerp 12

If you have any nudes of her, you can try and embarrass her by posting them on

The more FMLs I read about partners doing stupid shit to each other in the name of humor is frightening. I mean, these immature morons are having sex and potentially creating the next generation of immature morons. Soon we'll be outnumbered and that's a sobering thought.

That is not sexy at ALL. & actually kind of creepy :3 YDI for being weird lol

sighawkward 6

Did you at least take the photo without your face showing? Then just untag and then you have nothing to worry about - Deny Deny Deny!!!