We love our short kings

By Anonymous - 30/03/2023 05:00 - United States - San Diego

Today, I’m a short but decently attractive male but I can’t gain enough confidence to approach women, because of the trauma from female classmates treating me terribly in high school when I was still short, but also still going through puberty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 760
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah height shaming really sucks. Napoleon conquers most of Europe and yet he's known mostly for only being 5"6.

I know the go-to cliche on the internet is to recommend therapy. But, uh, my dude, it sounds like you might want to get some therapy if it's affecting your life this badly.


Yeah height shaming really sucks. Napoleon conquers most of Europe and yet he's known mostly for only being 5"6.

I know the go-to cliche on the internet is to recommend therapy. But, uh, my dude, it sounds like you might want to get some therapy if it's affecting your life this badly.

geerod 16

The internet and YouTube have counseling tips free and easy - try it I can verify it helps. Good luck

For about $75000, they can break your legs, add 3-6 inches of bone and make you that much taller. Sounds fun!

That surgery is wild, as cheap as $25k if you go to Türkiye and don't mind being in a wheel chair for 3-6 months. Alternatively like $150k to have it done in the US, with better tech that let's you walk unassisted almost immediately. It's an interesting proposition if done early enough in life would pay for itself since every inch of gained height you're statically likely to make an extra $1,000 a year more.

Damn, I just did the math on the roi of making an extra 6k a year and investing it over the course of your working career in the s&p 500. Being 6 inches taller is worth $2,372,133.14 over a 40 year career. No wonder our society likes tall people.