By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 15:04 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of two years dumped me, because I'd changed too much for her to bear, and I was breaking her heart. How did I change? I got braces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 836
You deserved it 3 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So she'd rather have someone with jacked up teeth than someone who's getting the problem corrected? I think you may have dodged a bullet here.

randiZ25 0

If she's that shallow then you can do better OP.


So she'd rather have someone with jacked up teeth than someone who's getting the problem corrected? I think you may have dodged a bullet here.

man she's a jerk i had braces for a whole 2 years they're not that bad

TitDirt 0

Well, at least it wasn't a baby... Babies with braces suck (they have no teeth)

brokenbitch13 0

No... broken chick is pretty scary looking... I second that

TitDirt 0

Nah, broken bitch is kinda cute. In a "I'm a broken bitch" kind of way...

Yeah I think broken bitch is kinda hot. Just my opinion though.

FYLDeep 25

I had braces back in the day. Back when I was in high school. I wouldn't want to have to deal with that now though.

does she have braces also? I can understand not wanting the fire department prying you apart after a make out session.

I just got mine off and I feel your pain! •_•

Assuming you're not an adult getting braces, and are still in early high school, that stuff happens. A girl will dump you for something as simple as her friend telling her to. It sucks, but that's the way it goes. At your high school reunion, she'll come up to you and say how she regretted being so shallow, but she was just a kid back then. You know what? She'll be right.

sourgirl101 28

You sound as if you broke a lot of hearts yourself back in the days, with that statement.

Haha! Me? Nah. I've just had a lot of people from my past come out of the woodwork and talk about missed opportunities recently.