By semi-depressed - 14/02/2009 17:35 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend of one month and I had an amazing night of dinner and dancing, but when I leaned in to kiss her, she said, "You're joking right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 455
You deserved it 4 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, get out of there. Even if she isn't using you, "You're joking right?" isn't the response she should have to you trying to kiss her after a month of dating and a wonderful night. "Boyfriends kissing their girlfriends at the end of a date? Why that's preposterous!"

If she isn't SUPER religious, then dump her, because she is just using you. If she is super religious, keep waiting if you really like her.


Yeah, get out of there. Even if she isn't using you, "You're joking right?" isn't the response she should have to you trying to kiss her after a month of dating and a wonderful night. "Boyfriends kissing their girlfriends at the end of a date? Why that's preposterous!"

That's what you get for dating a fundamentalist Christian (I'm assuming).

If she isn't SUPER religious, then dump her, because she is just using you. If she is super religious, keep waiting if you really like her.

Are you buying her stuff? Like expensive stuff? Or taking her to expensive places? If so, and you haven't touched her, then you're being used. I'd say dump her before you waste all your money.

zachattack 0

To add on to #8 If she isn't super religious, dump her because she's using you. If she is super religious, dump her because she's super religious.

lwjv 0

Nope. Even the people who are saying she is super religious, still dump her. She doesn't like you man, move on.

duddenchu 0

To add to all of this: Make sure she knows you feel dejected dude, if she does nothing about it, move on

Jeremy_M 2