By Anonymous - 03/01/2011 10:29 - United States

Today, the alarm clock downstairs has been going off since 3am. The apartment belongs to two other students. They've gone home. Only 3 more days left to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 238
You deserved it 2 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask like the owner/manager or something to go in and turn it off. Complain.

passinby 3

This happened to me in the dorms. It was going for like 4 days before it either died or facilities finally got around to turning it off -_- Just tell the owner, if you know where it's coming from! they'd probably get it done faster since it's an appt.


xTrue25 0

It's called a plug in... and slim fast makes multiple options, beverages or bars.

Ninjafriends 1

No kidding. OP needs some brains.

Go to the fuse box and trip it for a second? Seems simple.

i've done this many times. seems so simple once you think of it.

you realize there are plug-in alarm clocks?

Ask like the owner/manager or something to go in and turn it off. Complain.

passinby 3

This happened to me in the dorms. It was going for like 4 days before it either died or facilities finally got around to turning it off -_- Just tell the owner, if you know where it's coming from! they'd probably get it done faster since it's an appt.

This is why they invented alarms that stop after a certain amount of time if not done manually.

Yeah...the comment I originally replied to disappeared and for some reason it placed my comment as a reply to mike3775's comment.

bauerd 0

goto the main breaker and turn off and on the power. same as power going off and on and no damage done.

iR0ckSkinnys 3

Unplug it??? or get a hammer and smash it? It doesn't have a snooze button? maybe take the batteries out or something.

Lol, at least it's not one of those alarm clocks that plays songs when it goes off... imagine having to listen to the SAME PART of the SAME CRAPPY song over and over again. FYL, op, but just remember, someone out there has it worse than you :P

If it's a dorm, find an RA or someone from housing to help. Otherwise, contact the landlord and see if that works.