By why me - 22/05/2011 23:09

Today, my girlfriend made me watch six hours of "Glee" with her. I don't know what I hate the most, the fact that I actually sat there and watched it or that I'm angry at Finn for breaking up with Rachel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 761
You deserved it 37 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackiemoonthepro 5

now you ruined it for me thanks a lot dick

take hold of your balls before they fall off


Shazzora 0

You are now officially a gleek, welcome to the club!!

Glee has so much to do with Fmlers or their family...

SPOILERS DAMMIT. I'm about a half-dozen Tivo'd episodes behind. Also, FYL for not enjoying a really awesome show. I wish a show like that had been on when I was in high school. Also FTL of everyone who wants to revoke OP's Man Card for subscribing to a pile of shiat about gender normativity.

**** your life. Glee is terrible. But at least you love your girlfriend enough to do something she wants instead of whining and being an ass about it.

glee is AWESOME and it should not be an FML

Shadow_Phantom 26

Glee is on the same level as twilight. Utter shit. FYL, OP.

I've watching Glee and it's ACTUALLY good. Better than most shows on. :/

What shows do you watch? The mysterious and diverse world of feces?

emmanizzer 6

... reality tv. now THAT is boring as hell. watching other people do stupid things for "love" or money. yeah, that's my idea of a good time....


Ewww glee is a waste of tv time...