By Shame - 19/09/2012 20:22 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my girlfriend had a bitch fit at me because I laughed at her idea of getting the Cullen family tree tattooed on her back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 113
You deserved it 3 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabbiechaoss 5

If she does, you can forget about doing it doggystyle. Instant mood killer.


yusaku02 20

you didn't immediately dump her? what gives?

That is completely ridiculous. That would cost a fortune. Just get tattoos of all their faces. Lol

kissa12369 6

I think her life sucks not yours hahaha lol

Fenyryn 5

I would have laughed, as well. The Cullen family tree isn't exactly something that should be tattooed on anything.

Apparently she's an idiot. Thinking ahead, would you want to share your DNA with her to create little idiots? If no, why waste time? Cut your losses and move on. Let her get swept away by Edward or Jacob or whoever else is fictional.

misszombiexx 10

Run! Run while you still can!