By Shame - 19/09/2012 20:22 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my girlfriend had a bitch fit at me because I laughed at her idea of getting the Cullen family tree tattooed on her back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 112
You deserved it 3 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabbiechaoss 5

If she does, you can forget about doing it doggystyle. Instant mood killer.


Arod62694_fml_fml 1

wow....i mean wow...that's, She sounds terminally stupid.

ToBeAnnounced 2

I'm so sorry. You're just with her because she puts out..right?

I'm sorry.. I like Twilight (no, I'm not a crazy retarded fangirl who is obsessed with it, I just like it.) but I'd laugh at her AND call her dumb. Because THAT is crazy retarded fangirl obsession.

I'm just curious, why do people hate Twilight so much? Everyone has different tastes, so why make fun of someone for liking a book and movie?

Because it's cool to hate on it. :grabs umbrella for downpour of down votes:

Because from a literature standpoint, especially a vampire novel standpoint, it's worth less than poop on a shoe.

But that's the thing. It's not "literature." It's a novel for young adults meant to be a fun, casual read. Sure, some people take it too far. Whatever. That's what happens in fandoms. I'm not defending the OP's girlfriend's decision, and I'm not even a Twilight fan, but it really shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is. I read the books, and they were fine. It was an alright series that kept me busy for a few days. Nothing special. I think I rambled a lot, but my point is that light reads don't need to have a literary basis. They don't need to be life changing. Their purpose is to entertain.

yesyesnonono 10

For your sake, I hope you mean your ex.