Love don't pay the rent

By Anonymous - 04/08/2020 23:04

Today, I begged my dad for money, for the first time ever, because even with two jobs I still can’t make rent. When asked why he sent way too little, he replied, "You always said you’d prefer to get love from me rather than money." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 315
You deserved it 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Say, "This time I want your money and ongoing indifference."

I feel you, dude/dudette. I make average salary with a single job but still live with parents. Dad can't work and mom makes less than me, sister helps when she can.


I feel you, dude/dudette. I make average salary with a single job but still live with parents. Dad can't work and mom makes less than me, sister helps when she can.

Say, "This time I want your money and ongoing indifference."

If you are living outside of your means, you need to fix it instead of asking for money.

rotflqtms_ 21

Time to move back home until you can find somewhere more affordable, or find a place with roommates. Don't live somewhere where you will struggle to meet rent.

tounces7 27

Consider moving in with your parents and saving up to move to a state that's more affordable. Some places, like Florida, have an extremely high cost of living compared to average salary, so aren't worth living in unless you're retired.