By erpuchi - 01/12/2010 01:52 - Dominican Republic

Today, my girlfriend got a great idea for her history class project... while we were having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 511
You deserved it 7 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Howljerk 0

Uh, girls have their minds speeding in different directions 24/7; girls are thinkers. I don't really think this is that bad.


izzie2899 6

guess your not that good in bed

notalwaysbesta 14

That's nothing! I was once making out with a guy and yelled Riggamorits! We had seen a dead dear with a hard tongue on the way to his house, and I couldn't remember the word for when bodies get hard after death when we saw it. I want to be a doctor so it bothered me for a while. Then I remembered. And History is th most passionate subject so maybe you're REALLY good in bed...

rakhil11 7

Dang, I really feel for you. Your life is just terrible. Gosh. No, but really, unless this is a regular occurrence, think nothing of it ^-^

I see an add in the paper. "Inspirational Sex: fees based on final paper grade."

either I modded this one or it's a repeat

they say great ideas come from the washroom. not true, they come from having sex xD

TheOmen46 1

Report about the Karan sutra ?