By Kurliez408 - 23/12/2016 00:15 - Israel - Haifa

Today, I called the cops on my neighbor's millionth extremely loud alcoholic party. Music stopped before the cop showed up and resumed 10 minutes later. It's 1:30am and still going. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 294
You deserved it 756

Kurliez408 tells us more.

OP here. I HAVE asked several times to stop. They called me a ***** in response. The law here allows loud music until 11 on weekdays (this was Thursday) and midnight on weekends. As mentioned, this was the millionth or so party so clearly I knew nothing would help. Also, as I am one person against several drunks, I am in a disadvantage here. Not a coward, just a logical person.

Top comments

This is my fml (finally published yay!) I did report them but since I'm currently studying abroad I can't do that every time. Hopefully my other neighbours will continue!

That's the twist. In an unfortunate series of events, it'll turn out the neighbor is the brother of the local judge/police chief, yadda yadda, jail.


stevenJB 25

This is my fml (finally published yay!) I did report them but since I'm currently studying abroad I can't do that every time. Hopefully my other neighbours will continue!

I had neighbors that would play really loud music. They would turn it off when the cops showed up, but would turn it right back on after they left. My neighbor put the same song on repeat from 12am all the way til 4am and then proceeded to have very loud sex practically every single day. I had trouble falling asleep with that racket. Apartment living sucks.

Looks like someone got a police scanner as an early Christmas gift!! Sorry Op.

I get where you're coming from because loud parties are annoying when you have work the next day, but honestly, why call the cops? You should be able to say how you feel like a man, to their face... not call the cops behind their back like a sneaky coward. You should have just told them face to face to please turn it down.. AND THEN, if they totally ignore you, THEN call the cops. AFTER talking to them first.I just can't respect people like you, that would call the cops and not even ask them personally to turn it down first. Why try to get people in trouble? Tbh that's probably why you don't have many friends and your neighbor always has a ton of friends over

Yes, confront intoxicated people. No way that could end badly.

You know, they wouldn't get in trouble if they followed the law and had some damn common courtesy. You don't blame the person reporting the ILLEGAL behaviour, you blame the jerks who did it in the first place. Don't want to get in trouble, don't be an asshole. They say to never confront people directly in these situations, just call the cops, that's their job because the situation can be potentially dangerous, especially with intoxicated people. I've known someone who got threatened with a knife over telling his neighbour to be quieter, it was the first time he confronted them. Also, just cause some people don't cause disturbances, it doesn't mean they don't have many friends. It means they have manners.

I remember my friend had the same problem where the music stopped when the cops came. He then got tazed (idk how to spell it) and he punched a kid. Then they found Molly in the gnome... oh nvm that was project x

OP here. I HAVE asked several times to stop. They called me a ***** in response. The law here allows loud music until 11 on weekdays (this was Thursday) and midnight on weekends. As mentioned, this was the millionth or so party so clearly I knew nothing would help. Also, as I am one person against several drunks, I am in a disadvantage here. Not a coward, just a logical person.

tantanpanda 26

CGPainting, you're a shit head. OP, it may be expensive, but you could buy noise cancelling earphones. I don't remember the brand, but it produce an opposing wave that cancels out incoming waves so it physically cancels out noise. I only suggest this since it seems like all your attempts to quiet them down has failed. Also an option to talk to your other neighbors and if they feel the same way, file a large complaint. I'm sure the HOA or landlord (most likely the latter) will most likely deal with it as they can be pretty savage. You could also break a stink bomb after every party they have, the ones in the tiny glass bottle. Might as well play dirty if they're constant repeat offenders like you've said.

TrippyEyes 16

Lol CG I'm looking forward to your FML of getting the living shit beaten out of you for following your own idiotic advice

OP, have you tried to get the neighbors together to find a solution? If it's that loud and obnoxious, you can't be the only one suffering from this.

Confronting people like that isn't always the smart thing to do. There are people around my apartment complex who get angry and violent over just being asked to quiet down. It's usually best to just get cops involved rather than getting into a fight.

I'd be so tempted to play loud music around 7am when they're probably sleeping and hungover, just so they realise how annoying it is.

But then they'll call the cops on her and, in a twist of irony, OP gets arrested.

I don't know what the laws are there, but here, unfortunately you're allowed to make as much noise as you want so long it's not late into the night.

That's the twist. In an unfortunate series of events, it'll turn out the neighbor is the brother of the local judge/police chief, yadda yadda, jail.

Blast loud Xmas music at them- for the next month....they'll go insane...

Sorry this happened to you. I hate inconsiderate people.

Ooh, an ALCOHOLIC party, say it ain't so!

Sady_Ct 37

No way in hell would I confront a party full of loud drunks. If they can't respect noise laws who says they will respect other laws about acceptable social behaviour when drunk? I asked my neighbours once to turn the noise down at a party (2am on a Tuesday morning) they ignored me, I called the cops, woke up next day to my car trashed, paint all over it and tyres slashed. I had cameras and it was my neighbour's guests. Nothing cowardly about calling the cops on drunk people rather than confronting them your self.