By sarahmaxine - 09/05/2015 04:10 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my girlfriend came over to meet my parents. Everything was going fine until she said she owned a dog. My mom then immediately attempted to check her scalp for lice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 576
You deserved it 2 109

Same thing different taste

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sammiking 13
TweetAnne 13

Could of sworn dogs got fleas and not lice.


sammiking 13

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Humans can't even get lice from dogs so what she did was just plain stupid

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Lice don't like a dirty environment, so...

You should talk to your mom about it and tell her how you feel about what she did.

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... Just because she's not a dog person doesn't mean she's a cat person.

Wait so that's not a normal thing to do...? Whoops.

TweetAnne 13

Could of sworn dogs got fleas and not lice.

No, they can get either. It's just not transferable to humans

No, head lice can only live on humans.

They can get lice (most animals can), but lice are very species-specific, so dog lice will not live on humans, and vice-versa.

I take it she hasn't had much experience with dogs.