By sick and lonely - 27/08/2016 03:19 - United States - Rockford

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me while I had a fever from a stomach virus. I was shivering with cold sweats while she explained there was nothing wrong with our relationship, but she would regret not giving her cheating ex a second chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 309
You deserved it 1 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

(Insert generic comment about how you're somehow lucky to have gotten dumped in such a bad way because… uh… it might save you trouble later, ignoring the fact that the actual FML is getting dumped at all and finding out that you have feelings for somebody so messed up. Mention bullets if necessary.)


joeyl2008 29

You'll be better off. Unless you die.

The second sentence was pretty unnecessary.

You got lucky, at least she didn't drag it any further making you develop more feelings, you dodged a nuke

She could've waited until his cold went away at least.

Damn... Sorry about the cold (I'm also talking about that chick's ice cold heart).

I think it is bad to dump OP whilst he is ill but the gf was honest. She didn't cheat (by the sound of it) and it wouldn't have been right to keep dating OP I think.

#32, I doubt the gf realized her decision that very morning. It actually sounds like she's been thinking about this for a while, which means she could have brought it up before OP got sick in the first place, or have the decency to wait a few more days.

ohsnapword 21

Get better then go bang her best friend. She'll come crawling back to you.

She wouldn't come crawling back, because OP wouldn't be cheating on her.

Not gonna work, but you can still go and bang her best friend. If she's into you. You never know, maybe she was into you at the same time and decided to back off. That is a long shot but if it's true much respect to her.

what if her bestie is an ugly smelly fatty?

(Insert generic comment about how you're somehow lucky to have gotten dumped in such a bad way because… uh… it might save you trouble later, ignoring the fact that the actual FML is getting dumped at all and finding out that you have feelings for somebody so messed up. Mention bullets if necessary.)

katachristic 19

Yeah, the unmatched paren bugs the hell outta me.

Well that it. This post is over. Onto the next one

species4872 19

Could be worse, the ex could be your doctor.

She wasn't there when she was most needed. She failed. Screw her. Sorry you had to hear such sensitive news when you were already in a bad situation. You deserve someone better! Don't let her near your life again OP. She definitely doesn't deserve a second chance if she comes back in the future.