By horriblelife3006 - 27/08/2016 06:08

Today, my boyfriend showed me his need for speed. It was amazing, except he showed it to me with my new car while running away from the cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 026
You deserved it 1 335

horriblelife3006 tells us more.

Hi guys OP here! And I'm so excited as this is my first published FML! So I'm here to clarify some things! #1 - Yeap luckily I wasn't in the car at the time it happened but I did saw it from a distance. And many of you have asked for me to break up with him but I didn't as he did not commit a serious offence! He was rushing to the hospital as his Mother was ill and he was in such a state of panic that he didn't knew he was speeding so I apologise if it's confusing but at the time that I was posting This, I did not know about why he was speeding! Perhaps I should have said speeding away from the cops instead of running away! So I do hope it clarified any issues! Do continue to leave more comments and I will get back to you guys later! Thank you!

Top comments

I'm really hoping you weren't IN the car when this happened OP! And hope he didn't wreck the car!

Now I'm just imagining someone tearing ass down the highway in a bright red Ferrari, cops hot on their tail, only to stop at a hospital and check on a little old lady. And then the cops give each other knowing looks and walk away without a word, and everyone lives happily ever after.


I'm really hoping you weren't IN the car when this happened OP! And hope he didn't wreck the car!

I don't know whether this is a FML or a YDI - did you know he was a criminal when you started dating him?

The boyfriend is not necessarily a criminal. He may just be driving over the limit. (Which is still bad obvs).

Driving over the limit is a crime, therefore making the boyfriend a criminal.

In some places jaywalking is a crime, lets not be too heavy-handed with labels here.

RedCronos 17

Obviously doesn't respect you, for he never considered the consequences that will affect you as well.

I don't like jumping onto the "dump them!" bandwagon, but I would be reconsidering any relationship with this guy if it were me.

bredahl 26

I wouldn't normally tell you to dump that guy, but then I read 'running away from the cops', and all I can think is that he's irresponsible and disrespectful to you and your belongings. You deserve better, OP.

Hi guys OP here! And I'm so excited as this is my first published FML! So I'm here to clarify some things! #1 - Yeap luckily I wasn't in the car at the time it happened but I did saw it from a distance. And many of you have asked for me to break up with him but I didn't as he did not commit a serious offence! He was rushing to the hospital as his Mother was ill and he was in such a state of panic that he didn't knew he was speeding so I apologise if it's confusing but at the time that I was posting This, I did not know about why he was speeding! Perhaps I should have said speeding away from the cops instead of running away! So I do hope it clarified any issues! Do continue to leave more comments and I will get back to you guys later! Thank you!

Now I'm just imagining someone tearing ass down the highway in a bright red Ferrari, cops hot on their tail, only to stop at a hospital and check on a little old lady. And then the cops give each other knowing looks and walk away without a word, and everyone lives happily ever after.

beetregeneration 4

Hi! I'm the OP! Anyway he sort of got away with it. The cops caught up with him when he arrived at the hospital and after he explained to them, they let him off with a warning as he was also not speeding way too fast!

Pfft, he should have just driven into some back alley and waited for the stars to disappear. Although it's weird that the cops didn't shoot him on sight when they caught up with him, must be a bug.

17, come on. Everyone knows the best way to lose the cops is to hijack an above-ground subway.