By Anonymous - 09/11/2014 08:37 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me via Twitter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 965
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People who break up with people through texting/social media are honestly my least favorite people. They don't even have the nerve to do it to your face so they hide and do it behind a screen. I'm sorry OP, I hope you find someone much better than her.

That is a terrible way of getting dumped. Don't sweat it though OP you will find a person to love who will love you back just as much! :)


That's one way to find out that she's a bitch, and you deserve.

Tweet back and thank her. Where are your manners. Lol

Wow was it straight-forward or implied? Either way, people like her should fall off a cliff.

qdawg06 23

Technology is ruining human relationships and that's disheartening.

I'm pretty sure it's humans that are ruining human relationships. Technology doesn't make people dicks, it just provides more opportunities to show how much of a dick they are. If it wasn't Twitter, OP's girlfriend would have found another way to be scummy, breaking up through a carrier pigeon or whatever else.

Technology provides a means for people to be dicks in new and fascinating ways.

We should back to the time where people had the decently to break up with someone in person, and get rid of this cowardly technical way of doing it

Before twitter and texting people used the phone or wrote notes or had another person deliver the message. You can be an asswipe about a breakup using Stone Age method as easily as the 2014 model.

You people can disagree with me all you want, but I think cowardly people like these should be treated with scorn and public humiliation.

On the bright side, at least you're not with someone who's too shallow to do it in person

In person is better than Twitter. In public you may be thinking of.

cryssycakesx3 22

that was the point. she was too shallow to do it in person, so at least he is not with her.

Oh I misread that to say not too shallow.

That's horrible, and just disrespectful I hope find somebody else that actually cares about you.