By shoggoth_wild - 27/02/2015 14:13 - United States - Jackson

Today, my girlfriend and I were talking about times we'd made our mothers cry. She said she'd only made her mother cry once. When I asked when, she said, "When I told her I was thinking about dating you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 970
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All that matters is that your girlfriend wants to be with you, regardless what her mother thinks. That's true love right there!

MannyM 20

hey man at least she chose you over her mothers wish


At least she didn't make her dad cry about her dating you.

Steve95401 49

Her dad getting out a gun or baseball bat would have been a lot worse.

WavRace 14

I think her dad would make OP cry

Why did this get so many negative votes? It's funny unlike the other two top comments.

#1 funny to you maybe? I thought what you said wasn't funny.

You sir/ma'am have no sense of humor whatsoever. You probably sit at home all day wondering what "laughing" is while watching a comedy.

If you looked harder you would notice I'm #1 but I commented on my own post. Are you ******* blinded by your own stupidity?

Who asked you? Get your ******* busybody head out of my business you fucktard.

A comment on FML doesn't have to be funny, and most of the attempts to be funny get downvotes anyways. Oh well, it's a comment on something where nobody knows who you are and it got downvotes.

All that matters is that your girlfriend wants to be with you, regardless what her mother thinks. That's true love right there!

Maybe I'm weird, but I'm wondering who the hell just has a conversation about times they made their mothers cry?

Well hopefully your mom didn't cry as well when you told her about dating your girlfriend.

MannyM 20

hey man at least she chose you over her mothers wish

1dvs_bstd 41

Because she didn't listen to her mother? I feel you. I don't know why you got thumbed down.

Tears of joy?... No, probably not.. Sorry OP! :P

What kind of topic of conversation is that, anyway

Hahaha, that's a witty one you have there! keeper :)

Ya, it sounds to me like she was joking and made a funny comment. If she was serious then I'm a little surprised the mom cried. Being upset or mad maybe, but crying? And crying over "considering" dating you? I wonder what her reason for that was? Hopefully your girlfriend was just joking anyways.

JuliaaNoelle 26

Depending on how long you guys have known each other, how long you guys have been dating, and how long you guys will be together, her mother may warm up to you more! Try to talk to her, maybe take her out to lunch, and stay positive OP :)

I was going to say the same thing. The first time my (now) boyfriend came over my mother saw him walking up the lane, looked at me and said "you better not be dating him" he looked like a typical punk. Dreadlocks and eyeliner and black nail polish. But once she got to know him she really liked him, and now thinks he's the greatest thing. I'm sure everything will work out for OP too. She did say that was before you started dating, so she may have changed her mind already, and regardless, you still have the girl (:

FWIW, when I started dating my wife, her mother hated me. Now, she gets upset if my wife visits her without me! So, it can get better.