By screwed - 30/07/2009 03:20 - United States

Today, my mom asked me if I was crying because my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. That wasn't why I was crying. My mom knows things before I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 028
You deserved it 3 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it with boyfriends/girlfriends cheating with best friends? Seriously? I'm genuinely curious. If you think someone is better than another, then just ******* dump them and go for that someone. People need to grow some pubic hair...

bioagg12 0

haha wow. i hope your mom isnt the best friend!!


freezeframefame 0

wow then you deserve what ever karma brings you for breathing

blink182rocks 0

YDI for being born, and FIRST!

#47 how in the hell do you know her mom is a milf??? And Op you just got cheated on and your fml-ing cause she knew before you???? i think you missed the bigger issue. epic fail. but fyl that does suck

bioagg12 0

haha wow. i hope your mom isnt the best friend!!

That's what I thought, too. You know how they say, "Great minds think alike." That's not really true, great minds think unique, original thoughts. So I say, "We garden-variety assholes think alike." It's a good one this time around. Cheers!

Well thats not a bad thing! now you know!

What is it with boyfriends/girlfriends cheating with best friends? Seriously? I'm genuinely curious. If you think someone is better than another, then just ******* dump them and go for that someone. People need to grow some pubic hair...

your into pubes eh? nasty but w/e floats your boat

LMFAO oh god, that made my day Well, I was going to say "grow some chest hair" or something, but I thought I'd get those feminists all over me, or people assuming I only meant guys.

kissa12369 6

is more pain if you loose the two of them... but if he goes away was for a reason

I really have to know...why do people bother putting "first" on every damn fml? And why do people put YDI on things like this when it clearly is not her fault at all? People can just be so stupid. But it's ok OP your better off without people like them! And I guess your mom is just cool like that :) Don't worry about it too much just move on.


I put first for hater comments because they amuse me and the same thing goes for people who say YDI for no reason

mmm too bad your comment got buried. nice try though owntpwnt!

@#9: You're new here right? That's just what happens. It's called trolling. People post either their number or a YDI reason which is usually quite shit (occasionally quite funny) to get angry reactions out of other people. A lot of people are learning not to feed the trolls by reacting, but some people just don't have self-control. Here's a list of the full-time trolls (the ones who don't post anything other than troll-posts): Jandersonii M13L0 Chriswashere Bitchisback YDI_bitch

gorguz14evar 0
DeathMetal666 0

You deserve to have that comment buried for not adding me to the list

sublime93 0

You forgot about that slipknot dude. & fmltroll.

good one #2! hehe. well your mom is cool...