By lovingpsychosis - 26/05/2011 07:53 - United Kingdom

Today, my mom asked if I was seeing anyone. I launched into a description of my girlfriend, only for her to interrupt, saying that she meant a therapist, and the fact that I'd just made up a relationship was further proof that I needed one. I really do have a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 109
You deserved it 3 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do! If she's a therapist, then it's a win-win situation for both parties...

Alex94xela 0

show her a vid of u 2 getting it on


You do! If she's a therapist, then it's a win-win situation for both parties...

damn sterling you get hated on for no reason! ok OP do you have a picture to prove you mother wrong? and if you do tell her she needs to be the one seeing a therapist

22 yea I kno my comments always get thumbs down but I don't really care because I'm just saying what I want..

Just take them out to dinner so they can actually meet; if your mother is crazy / a bitch it's definitely better to use a neutral locale, otherwise I'd say have her over...

At least it wasn't, "she was right; I don't have a girlfriend"

CasualZombie 6

sure, you keep telling yourself that.

ILoveTabz 0

I have been reminded of spongebob

aurynforever 14

46- now you're going to say what's a childhood

TheDrummingResul 0
Alex94xela 0

show her a vid of u 2 getting it on

MrSexyPants 14

How would she know the lady isn't a hooker?

Sounds like you might need a therapist because of your dysfunctional mother.

Bring home your girlfriend's panties for proof.

I have one to, "Stop struggling, Diane. Shoot, late for my therapist appointment. Now don't struggle too much or the handcuffs will cut you wrists."