By Anonymous - 16/12/2013 04:47 - United States - North Port

Today, I was at a Christmas party when I noticed someone had taken all of the cash I had from out of my wallet. It was a family gathering. I'm related to the culprit but have no idea who it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 491
You deserved it 3 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of arsehole steals from their own family?? I hope you find who did it OP.

I would make a general announcement that there is a thief in your midst. I wouldn't be surprised if a manhunt started and everyone is searched.


What kind of arsehole steals from their own family?? I hope you find who did it OP.

#1 The Grinch who stole Christmas. All jokes aside though that's messed up. Sorry Op.

JocelynKaulitz 28
incoherentrmblr 21

Welcome to the Griswold household...

I have family who once asked another part of the family not be let in to a funeral. Do not underestimate the horribleness of people. (Or their stupidity, or audacity....but it is understandable for brilliance.)

jazzy_123 20

Don't think because they're family they won't hurt you. To answer your question, my brother. My brother would most definitely steal some cash if he has the chance.

slickchrome 11

well do people in your family bring dates or bf/gfs to your family gathering? I trust to leave my money around my family at these kind of functions but not the assholes they bring here.

SherlockWHolmes 12

This looks like a job for me.

whiteboy896 9

Isn't it sad you can't even trust your own family? I've been there OP, I know your pain.

I would make a general announcement that there is a thief in your midst. I wouldn't be surprised if a manhunt started and everyone is searched.

Now THAT'S a fun Christmas party. Mystery, thrill, team-building!

That really sucks! I presume you have a video camera somewhere in your house? Hope you find the thief, OP

whiteboy896 9

OP was AT a party not having a party.

californiapoppy 11

Yep, because everyone has video cameras in their house....

MyUsernameKatie 31

People really do suck sometimes. Sorry OP. I know that doesn't bring your wallet back though

whiteboy896 9

OP lost their money in the wallet, not the wallet itself...

Yes, thank goodness the actual wallet wasn't stolen. That would be so much worse! >.>

Why was your wallet laying about? Sorry it happened though.

Probably because they thought it'd be safe to leave it around family members. When we have family parties at my house I don't lock away the valuables... It's family.

RedPillSucks 31

But don't guys usually have their wallets in their pants pockets? It's not like a purse. EDIT: Whoops. Didn't check gender first. Now I see OP is female.

Who the **** keeps their wallets in their pockets when they're in their own home, regardless of gender of whether they have pockets or not? Since it's family, especially, they should be able to feel at ease with their belongings out. I've an aunt that leaves thousands of dollars in cash sitting in a drawer, which she trusts that I will not take any when I am over. Seriously, morals and values are disappearing....

jazzy_123 20

Even if they did have their wallet in their pocket, some people ate really good at picking pockets. I know my siblings mess around with me and will take stuff out of my purse and I won't notice sometimes.

I think almost everyone have that one family member who steals smh

I wouldn't let anyone leave until they empty out their pockets. If they won't there hiding something and then that's your suspect.

RedPillSucks 31

Plus, it was cash that was stolen, so OP has no way to claim that this was their cash.

#38 - Write your initials on your cash, and problem solved. Too bad we can't go back in time and do that.

SavingForYears 9

A family gathering is the last place you would except this to happen.Stealing from your family is a ******* spineless thing to do. I hope you find him/her OP.