All over the place

By meowitzer - 22/04/2020 05:02

Today, a close, funny friend who has quite the attitude, received a long email from a long-time friend of hers, telling her how difficult she is. When I told her it doesn’t matter, that she is still wonderful, she went off on how bad a friend I am for saying that, and then deleted me off WhatsApp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 428
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No one needs to be surrounded by lying, flattering suck-ups. Unless you're a certain president of a certain North American country.

So the friend people say has an attitude problem really has an attitude problem? Sucks for you friendship, but clearly friends around her are getting sick of her...


lifeis4me 20

Well, if you just admitted she has an attitude problem and someone who also knows her well said the same thing, why would you lie? I think this would be the time to try to be honest and tell her she needs to mature a bit, even if she doesn’t want to listen initially.

So the friend people say has an attitude problem really has an attitude problem? Sucks for you friendship, but clearly friends around her are getting sick of her...

No one needs to be surrounded by lying, flattering suck-ups. Unless you're a certain president of a certain North American country.

What were you supposed to say? Instead of standing up for her, were you supposed to let loose a stream of insults against the friend who wrote the offending message? Good riddance.

Looks like the trash took itself out. Win!