By AKN - 29/01/2009 00:33 - United States

Today, my friend sent me the link to this website with a message that said, "You'll feel at home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 486
You deserved it 3 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't get it. Then again, I'm dumber than a can of freeze-dried dicks. LOL.

it was a link to THIS website. like, the one you're on now.


I don't get it. Then again, I'm dumber than a can of freeze-dried dicks. LOL.

lovemysnubber 0

welcome :) but hey now you have a family of losers and now you can belong... :)

cameron_natasha 0

And clearly you did feel at home because you wrote a fml

Seriously glad I'm not the only one, lol

The friend sent a message to this website, as in FML

hxc_noob 0

this website is great, and i love seeing how bad peoples lives suck when im having a bad day (:

his/her friend is saying that her life sucks

i still don't get it, whats with the welcome

SkateboardGirl88 11

"This website" is referring to

DaEpicTaco 13

it was a link to THIS website. like, the one you're on now.

ohhhh i thought u were sayin this website like a random website but ur tlkin bout ohhh

XxdustxX 2

*throws dictionary at your face*

now i get it, i was thinking the same thing

Nuahavizu 17

Haha, my friend did that too.