By Miko - 01/02/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, my friend caught me watching a movie on Oxygen instead of the Super Bowl. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 277
You deserved it 32 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, not someone who has different tastes in what they watch! Don't be a mindless dipshit drone. Who cares about what other people think? As for all of the other morons clinging desperately to their manhood and trying to look masculine in calling this guy a '***'... Shut the **** up. We all know you're just a bunch of closet-homos anyway.

Dont worry about it, I hate sports, theres some decent movies on there, a few......


liy223 6

least I wasn't lifetime...

don't worry there will be another superbowl next year bahaha

Nowadays if you're smarter, you're the alpha male. So don't worry about it, get better friends.

So? Nothing to be ashamed of. I hate american "football", much prefer football, but I also understand not liking or wanting to watch any sports. Perfectly normal

Don't be ashamed of your interests, just live your life. Don't worry about that stuff.

Football is gay, not that I have a problem with gays cuz I love them but it is a fact that football is homosexual