By unwantedlove - 25/02/2011 18:36 - France

Today, my fiancé and I were cuddling on the couch watching TV when we started kissing. As I crawled onto his lap and started to unzip his pants, he said, "You're blocking the TV." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 147
You deserved it 6 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're blocking the TV and the TV is cockblocking you! Sounds like sumo wrestling.

A limerick - There was a poor woman from France Who unzipped her hot boyfriend's pants He just wanted TV Jersey Shore, maybe Glee Now there won't be a horizontal dance.


FML & FYL my bf has done this before

KacenMarie 4

wow! what a douche! you should have got up and turned off the tv then walked away. thats what I'd do.

bashas1 0

Ahahaha that sucks. You shouldve turned it off. Iwas the 22222nd voter!

I had my boyfriend say that except he was playing in his xbox... I've never wanted to throw that thing out of a window more than at that point.

rainport 0

u can giv a handjob or a bj n not blok th tv jeeez

don't block the tv, wait until the commersial