By xswitch74 - 16/03/2015 14:36 - United Kingdom

Today, my ex called me up to suggest that we become friends, only so that she could introduce me to her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 566
You deserved it 4 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WavRace 14

Introduce her to your middle finger. She obviously wants your attention man.

Well, then be a gentleman and tell him about her favorite things to do during sex.


So typical, Women always want to be friends after they rip your heart open.

Alright, so she wants your attention and she's trying to make you jealous. That's all there is, you're better without her.

If you are ever placed in a situation like this, just do this. Meet the ex and her boyfriend, appear friendly and then start talking about the awkward stuff u did with your ex and then jump right into how freaky she is in bed. Describe everything in detail, and before u leave just say that the new boyfriend will do fine if he follows the tips properly. Leave with a smile and offer for calling him up for some freaky time whenever she feels like it and watch the paranoia unfold in their new relationship lmao :p

If you really want to freak him out say that she was into something really with you that she never was. Relationship is doomed as soon as he asks her to do it.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22
Delsanity 13

My ex did the same so i know that feeling op.

Sounds like someone misses you and wants your attention.

It sounds like she wants to make you jealous.