By Anonymous - 28/09/2010 20:42 - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend asked how long he'd have to wait until he could ask out my best friend. We broke up yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 562
You deserved it 3 234

Same thing different taste

Alexa, play "Let Me Down Gently" by Spacemen 3

By Heal my butt smh - 24/09/2023 18:02 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I’ve been waiting for the girl I love to break up with her boyfriend so I could ask her out. It finally happened; however she said she wanted time to heal before she started getting involved with guys again. I respected that decision. There’s just one problem. I saw her in town, hand in hand with another man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 342
You deserved it 982

Top comments

OP throws her hands up in the air sometimes, singing AAAAYO, my boyfriend's a MAAAN HO

MissGrinch 4

I hope your best friend has the decency to turn him down. And while he's down, kick him. >:)


legonut6 0

Unless she's a bad friend, she'll say no.

Jessi2487 0

Wait I don't get it, it was just a joke; sorry if I offended y'all, ya don't have to get all butthurt

no worries mine was a joke too and you're right her mom's ****** is colddd

MissErikaHart 0

Yup. Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away, Now it looks as though they're here to stay, Oh, I believe in yesterday.

KingDingALing 9

My butt hurts. Does that mean I'm butthurt? :p No, I do NOT take it up the ass. I sit down for too long and it hurts my ass. :(

KiddNYC1O 20

hey! what you do with your ass is your business!

zp5 4

ehh just about...WHEN YO DEAD BITCH YOU AINT SEEIN MY BEST FRIEND CAUSE I TELL HER YOU GAY ******. I'm not black btw. and I'm not racist either.

KingDingALing 9

113- :( Aren't you glad that I shared my story with you? :D :p

MrCalves 1

in soviet Russia, boyfriends break up with... oh wait... shit nvm

Melaniee_fml 0

I think it was kind of considerate to ask. atleast he didn't ask you to ask out your best friend for him.

(insert ignorant coment here) (insert comment reffering to someone else here) (insert not so funny pun here) (insert unrelated comment here) (insert comment that no one gives a shit about here) wait, what?

trust me my moms vag ain't cold . I would know ;) ooh yes I'm sick. I know.

YDI for expecting that it will work out in the first place, what if they are compatible and you're just being selfish because you're not.

OP throws her hands up in the air sometimes, singing AAAAYO, my boyfriend's a MAAAN HO

Agree with Ignorance. I can't stand that song.

Schizomaniac 24

Leave it to Ignorance to shut someone down.

Just make sure you don't make grammar errors in your typing, oif Ignorance sees it, you are putting lives at risk

Schizomaniac 24

if* .* You're an idiot. What is happening to me!!! D:

Schizomaniac 24

Your first mistakes weren't intentional. Stop trying.

schizo, you're not Ignorance. Stop trying(to be).

Schizomaniac 24

If you aren't smart enough to recognize sarcasm, you are not worthy of a serious reply.

*Schitzo. I felt the need to fix that before Ignorance and her, drastically less awesome, groupie jumped on me about it. Also, this is a double post because I'm on my iPod Touch, and thus use the edit function.

Schizomaniac 24

Again, my first addressal to you applies.

ohthebloodygore 16

Alright, Just calm down and SHUT THE **** UP!!!!

I appologize for my incorrect grammer, my lady.

sweetcheeksjvl 0

lraen how to sepll you dbasumses (sigh)

72, how is it sarcasm if you do it every time regardless as to if I leave a comment or not?

Do you get pleasure out of correcting people on the Internet? If so, you ma'am have a problem.

Does anyone else find it funny that someone named ignorance is correcting our grammar mistakes

Maybe it was his way of letting you know before anyone else? Though, I suppose, even though he was trying to be sensitive about the subject, he failed a bit.

wow do you really think anyone cares about your more-than-two-line comments?

Lucidium, you must care enough to tell me no one cares. Also, I don't really care if people care about my comments. I mean it's nice if they do, but I'm not going to complain if they don't.

lalala31_fml 0

it's not a run-on sentence. GET OFF HIS/HER ****

Hang on, Lucidium, can you actually count? That comment was only two lines, not more. Even in sentences, it's still only two. Oh, yeah, iPod apps... Silly me. That's what you get for reading things on a smaller screen. :P

MissErikaHart 0

cinn, u usually seem to see both sides to a fml, and u do it so politely.

Cinn, I'm assuming you're on your computer?Well on the iPod app your comment is more then 2 lines.

Schizomaniac 24

I feel that it is my job to point out the irony here. The comment addressing the "more-than-two-line comment" was more than two lines.

Erika - Thanks. Illmatic - Yeah, I realised that after I wrote the comment. So I corrected it. Schitz - I feel I'm missing out on this, computer screens allow all the comments in question to be one/two lines.

Aye. All the lines I see are one/two lines.

you r u so annoying WTF does cinn even mean can't interpret noisy nuggets

ohsuzykuew 0

cinn is the only commenter on this site who is consistently respectful and nice to everyone. if you're going to give someone a hard time, do it to someone who is an asshole and deserves it. being mean to cinn will most likely result in you getting your ass served back to you on a platter. - that is all...

lmfaoo i agree wit ^ ur 6 line responses are annoying and u seem so into it..

bonicr 0

UsmcDevilDogs - If I'm honest, I'm not even sure what the last part of your sentence refers to. What does it matter what Cinn means? It's an internet alias, it's just a name. Ohsuzykuew - Thank you. I am starting to think it might be time for me to get out my old boots and restart my mission against trolls, but there's a time difference that hampers the effort, not to mention it's a waste of time as they can't be reasoned with. Fun though. :) balldeep & sonnet - If your comments were directed at me, I shall redirect you to my original reply to Lucidium, post #38.

Meh you should always try to be the hottest of all your friends.. then you won't have that problem :)

hang out with ugly people? then they'll date your friends for their personality there's no winning

SmallTownCutie 0

65- no they won't(: guys don't usually think about personalities till after looks

65, a man can't have sex with a personality.

Kezia23 0

And he can't put his dick in a college degree

Well if you guys broke up yesterday then, I guess he could have asked yesterday. :P

sonnet 0
natilie69 0

from your comment i can tell that u r a jerk and is probably single

poemqueen 15

it shouldn't matter as long as she doesn't say yes

kenjiisown 1

Ehhh there is never a correct way to go about it. At least he asked you? =

MissGrinch 4

I hope your best friend has the decency to turn him down. And while he's down, kick him. >:)

Why should it be the decent thing for the friend to turn him down? The OP and her boyfriend broke up. So long as the best friend didn't purposefully try to ruin their relationship, I don't see the problem. Especially if she genuinely likes the guy.

MissGrinch 4

What ever happened to the rule "Never date your best friend/sister/whatnot's ex-boyfriends"?

MissGrinch 4

Sorry, I can't reply as quickly as I want to. It's hard to do so when I'm constantly looking over my shoulder. :S Yup, where you are coming from is understandable. I'm assuming you would prefer your best friend to be happy, even if it's with your ex? If OP can manage to accept the genuine feelings of her ex-boyfriend and best friend, then I agree with you. However, if that's not the case, and it's one-sided, then I stand by my words. :)

Yes, I'm talking about it being acceptable if the ex and friend are decent about it and have genuine feelings for each other. Obviously dating your best friend's ex for other sakes (such as just for having a partner) isn't on.

SmallTownCutie 0

cinn- wouldn't that be taking their sloppy seconds? think of it this way: Would you want to have sex with a guy, after your bestfriend had had sex with him? probably not unless you're in a porno. I hope this explains it better. dating your friends ex, unless it been a VERY long time, is pretty pathetic and gross.

ohthebloodygore 16

81, no. Just no. So my friend can't date my ex girlfriend? That makes no sense. If they both like each other then I say they get together. You shouldn't miss out on someone you like because of your friends disapproval. Also, not every couple has sex. So don't assume. There's also a thing called a shower. Get over yourself. You're an idiot for not permitting people to be happy with whomever they desire.

I concur! BUT if I just broke up with my girl and my best friend asks my girl out...I would be like "wtf...". Its cool and everything, but tell me beforehand. Its not like the moment the relationship ends, all the feelings are gone. And plus, who trusts anyone 100%?? Haha

ohthebloodygore 16

137, you just said 'tell me beforehand'. He did, actually no. He did more then tell her he ASKED her.

SmallTownCutie - Maybe it's because I've never been in this situation, but I don't see the problem, so long as people are decent about it. I mean, if you're going to think about it your way, unless you know you're dating a virgin, they're all going to have had sex before, just because it happens to have been with your friend shouldn't matter (why would you be trying to imagine your friend having sex anyway?), and as 'Gore said, they will probably have showered since then. My point was that so long as you weren't hooking up with a friends ex to be spiteful or insensitive, then I don't see why it should be such a big problem. Not everyone can help their feelings, and if they have genuine feelings for each other, why stop them just because your relationship fell through? I do also think that laughing_atyou had a good point, that asking or telling beforehand is a nice thing to do. So long as it's in a nice way and not to be spiteful. And the OP might be onto something that a couple of days might be a bit soon, I never meant to question that.