By Anonymous - 26/11/2017 05:00

Today, I called my daughter a wimp and insisted her pain can't be that bad. She left in tears. Later, I got a call from her doctor informing me that she has trigeminal neuralgia, one of the most painful diseases known to man. I'm an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 576
You deserved it 10 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to apologize. Profusely, and at great length.

PhantomCrevan 8

Why do I get the feeling that the OP will spend a few weeks sucking up to his daughter, then slowly revert back to not believing her when she doesn't get better? Either way, OP is lucky that his daughter wasn't suicidal (or, I would hope not), otherwise he'd likely be short a daughter (which he hopefully isn't) because trigeminal neuralgia has a very high suicide rate, especially in locations with excessively strict regulations on pain medication. Scrape and bow, OP- or do something that says that you believe her, like getting her one of those ice/heat packs that you wear on your head.


Well, there’s no turning back now. Time to prepare for making up for that huge mistake... a lifetime!

Time to apologize. Profusely, and at great length.

PhantomCrevan 8

Why do I get the feeling that the OP will spend a few weeks sucking up to his daughter, then slowly revert back to not believing her when she doesn't get better? Either way, OP is lucky that his daughter wasn't suicidal (or, I would hope not), otherwise he'd likely be short a daughter (which he hopefully isn't) because trigeminal neuralgia has a very high suicide rate, especially in locations with excessively strict regulations on pain medication. Scrape and bow, OP- or do something that says that you believe her, like getting her one of those ice/heat packs that you wear on your head.

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In your rush to comment on every fml, do you ever look over what you typed before hitting send?

I remember a time when people here didn't have sticks the size of rafters jammed deep in their arses. What the **** happened to make everyone so ******* prissy?

And the nominees for "Best Parent of the Decade" are...

So if the doctor hadn’t called, would you have been fine with that interaction and not posted an FML? You felt justified in calling your kid a wimp, pretended to know how much pain they are in, and are therefore probably an asshole for a few more reasons than you think.

Bad Parenting 101... parents like you, who don't believe their children when they say that they are in pain, are the ones who end up without children when their diseases or other medical issues are revealed in the autopsy.

tarabella 7

asshole is too good of a word for you.