By Anonymous - 11/08/2019 04:00

Today, my drunk neighbor informed me that if I don't keep my skunk out of his yard, he's going to call the cops. I live in town, and it's a wild skunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 667
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

Let ‘em call the cops! Then he’ll get in trouble for wasting their time.

Tell your drunk neighbor that if he can catch your skunk in his yard, then he can keep it! [Tho I'm sure that said skunk will have something to say - or rather spray! - about that particular resolution....]


TomeDr 24

Let ‘em call the cops! Then he’ll get in trouble for wasting their time.

let him call the cops. they're not going to do anything.

Tell your drunk neighbor that if he can catch your skunk in his yard, then he can keep it! [Tho I'm sure that said skunk will have something to say - or rather spray! - about that particular resolution....]

tell him to pick up skunk and report it to the cops. Or ignore the idiot

I don't understand what the problem is here. If it's not yours, let the neighbor call the cops. What could happen at worst? The most extreme thing that could happen would be them checking out your place to verify you don't have a pet skunk.