By libraries are a girl's best friend - 19/07/2013 21:53 - United States - Elizabethtown

Today, my dad grounded me for swearing, after I read a funny comment on Youtube to my sister. The supposed swear word? "YOLO." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 944
You deserved it 35 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As far as I'm concerned, that is a swear word. Lol

Saying yolo is worse than saying a swear word.


zakkyzebra 11

Don't forget the bound and gagging

It may not be a swear word but you deserve to be grounded for using it! Seriously that's a funny overreaction when the parent is clueless. However you should never and I mean never use that term! Its a super douche term!

well that should teach you for using the "word" Yolo

I'm not sure which is worse: YOLO or swag?

misszombiexx 10

My future children better not let me catch them saying that, unless they're doing it in an ironic and sarcastic fashion.

You only live once thats the motto ****** YOLO and we bout err day err day *** wad anybodi say

Your dad is right. In my home YOLO will be treated like a swear word. I won't allow my children I say it. It encourages stupid actions.

BromineAddict 7

Ahhh please, don't use such language around me, my virgin ears can't take it!