By anashaalmajiid - 05/03/2009 23:26 - United States

Today, my dad and a construction worker were having a long talk. I heard the door slam, and assumed that this worker had left. So I yelled out "Hey dad what were you talking about? Did you talk slowly so the idiot could understand?" Turns out my dad was the one who had walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 879
You deserved it 68 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you don't call random people an idiot, idiot.

You really deserved it. What do you gain in assuming that construction workers are stupid?


Look, everyone has a daddy complex. Leave him alone, may be he would like to keep his dad on that pedistool.

To everyone who has a problem with the OP calling the guy an idiot, guess what? The construction worker probably IS an idiot and WAS being a dick to the dad. You have no back story to support anything, thus you jump to what you want to hear and believe, that the OP is just a douche. Get over it, the asshole probably deserved worse.

frozen_heart 0

haha wow OP you're a ****. A+ you're also really stupid because you should have looked to make sure it was your dad there and not the "idiot" construction worker. Pot....kettle.

anashaalmajiid 0

Honey, you are beautiful no matter what. God bless you and may Allah love your soul.

Jason_fml 0

Lol #23 you are a huge moron. Whether or not the construction worker was being rude or anything, it still makes the OP a douche bag for calling him an idiot like that and acting like they are better than he is. Btw, good job at being a hypocrite there. You have no backstory, yet you are saying the guy was an idiot and deserved worse? Try thinking before you type something, dumbass.

So, snowyeasterner, I think you win the idiot prize for not being able to comprehend what someone is writing. I was defending the father for having a thick accent. Thumbs up to you :)