By fmlcops - 22/05/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, my car died on a major road, a cop pulled over to help, he offered to jump me, while doing so because my battery was so dead he told me to put the gas on the floor, I did and my car roared to life, he then pulled me over five feet from where my car died to give me a ticket for a loud exhaust. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 280
You deserved it 5 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AHHH WHAT A JERK!! i hate cops lol FYL

People who hate cops usually just say that because they've been caught doing something wrong. There's nothing wrong with cops.


@22 So says the person with no punctuation, capitalization or knowing how to spell 'grammar'?

You might want to work on your comma placement as well.

mintfreshpinesol 0

This was written so badly.

hahaha that sucks BIG time. but, u got owned xD

This is horrible FML, with poor grammar, and therefore making it a run on sentence as well. It doesn't even say today..

PresidentNorth 16

Please find something better to do than call out flaws. Ride a bike or something.

Taihen 0

#14: I won't claim to hate cops, but I tend to dislike them. I'm a person who doesn't get in trouble with the cops, but I've seen too much shit go down with them to like them. The cops several times refused to arrest my neighbors who were using illegal drugs and drinking underage because they were friends. I've seen several local cops buying drugs and doing drugs, never turning in the drug dealers. I've also seen cops put on their lights just so that they can drive around people and such and then turn them off. I can respect that cops put their lives on the line at times and work to make our world better. However, I cannot respect power trips and all that they try to pull that's illegal and immoral. I respect firefighters to no end, they put their lives on the line and all the ones I know don't have issues with respecting other people or power trips that involve yelling at others or going out of line.

LOL what a dick! hm well i guess that's what cops do best =)

I hate unnecessarily loud exhausts. It's your own damn fault for installing a stupid exhaust.

Can a car battery die WHILE driving? I never heard of that. I had to have my old car jump-started a few years ago, and the AAA assistant told me to drive at least 30 minutes before I stopped the engine again, so that the battery could charge itself. Also, you deserve the ticket if you do have a loud exhaust. Pay it and stop complaining about cops doing a job that sometimes really, really sucks.

your car battery can die when your driving if your alternator is malfunctioning or not working properly, the alternator provides all the electrical power to the car when it's running, also the alternator charges the battery, it doesn't charge itself, just sayin