Poor doggo

By Anonymous - 05/02/2023 02:00

Today, my boyfriend and I saw someone dump a dog in our neighborhood before driving off. We spent an hour trying to get the dog out of the cold, but couldn't catch it. Temperatures go down to the 30s in 3 days. Hopefully we can catch it by then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 799
You deserved it 90

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It’s usually easier to entice an animal to come to you than to chase them. When chased they get excited and scared and are unlikely to turn around and come to you… With a dog, I suggest an opened can of canned dog food shown to them (and able to smell it) will likely bring it to you. But I wouldn’t leave out pet food overnight as that will attract undesirable wild animals like rats.

I need an update. Did you catch doggo? Is the doggo ok?


It’s usually easier to entice an animal to come to you than to chase them. When chased they get excited and scared and are unlikely to turn around and come to you… With a dog, I suggest an opened can of canned dog food shown to them (and able to smell it) will likely bring it to you. But I wouldn’t leave out pet food overnight as that will attract undesirable wild animals like rats.

Don't try to catch a stray dog. If it doesn't come to you on its own, it doesn't want to be with you. Once you figure out that applies to the opposite sex, things will go much better!

I need an update. Did you catch doggo? Is the doggo ok?