By fmlcops - 22/05/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, my car died on a major road, a cop pulled over to help, he offered to jump me, while doing so because my battery was so dead he told me to put the gas on the floor, I did and my car roared to life, he then pulled me over five feet from where my car died to give me a ticket for a loud exhaust. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 280
You deserved it 5 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AHHH WHAT A JERK!! i hate cops lol FYL

People who hate cops usually just say that because they've been caught doing something wrong. There's nothing wrong with cops.


UsingLogic 0

#39: Give me a break, I doubt any cop on a power trip or abusing his rights would tear apart a car because of the shirt the driver is wearing. And if they did, you could sue them for that. I don't know where you live, but basically they can't search your car unless if they see something inside the car (such as a gun, drugs...) OR if you give them permission to do so. I bet you did not know you could say "no" to a search so when the cop asked you if he could search your car you said "yes" because you were afraid you would look like you have something to hide if you refused. Well that's your own fault for not knowing the law. Second, again I don't know where you live but in most places you are not supposed to refuse giving your ID to an officer. They can't search you, but if they want ID you give them ID. As for your perfectly legal sit in, I wish I had some details about it. So far you sound like you're the kind of person to make mistakes but who keeps thinking he's innocent. I would like to know why the cops who arrested you that time did it. Maybe most people there were smoking pot, and in that kind of circumstances everyone gets arrested until the police can sort out who smoked and who didn't. If that was the case, you should had been smarter and left when you saw that some people were doing something illegal. Then again, maybe that one time was a mistake on the part of the police. I'm not saying it doesn't happen.

Where I live a cop CAN'T touch your car to jump start it, he can't use his car as the other car or even hook up the cables between two cars. It has to do with liability, if anything at all goes wrong they are responsible, so they can't do it.

Polionixon 2

#73 you can however hear a muffler after the car has been jumped.

Also, for all of the (probably) idiot ricers bitching about how retarded it is that he got a ticket for his exhaust.... YOUR CARS SOUND LIKE SHIT. I wasn't aware that making your craptastic 4 banger sound like a blender on coke was hot shit. Technically, in Washington state, it's illegal to do any aftermarket modification to your car. Most cops will let it slide, but if you're being a dick to the guy who pulled you over, he'll nail you for every law in the book. No mudflaps? Ticket. No state approved trash bag in your car? Ticket. Don't **** with the person who is simply trying to do his job cause hell, I'd do the same thing too.

That's almost as bullshit as my buddy being pulled over in his slammed '78 Bug for "car too low to the ground."

wow. at least he helped you i guess. one time my mom and i went to the doctor's when i was sick and it was right next door to a police station. my mom's car died and when we went to ask the police if they would jump our car off, they said they weren't 'supposed to do that sort of thing.' ...i didn't know helping people was what they weren't supposed to do.

jasax1 0

You people bitching about cops are ignorant. They aren't pigs, they're cops, and most of them put their lives on the line every day. Just leave them alone, it is their job to write people up for breaking the laws. Laws are there to keep people safe. They don't have quotas. There is no such thing; those aren't even legal. And don't generalize how all cops are based on experiences with individual ones, or things you see on tv, or whatever. Cops are humans just like everyone else, which means they are entitled to make the same mistakes the rest of us make once in a while. I've been pulled over at least six times in my four years of driving, and I deserved every one of them. But you don't hear me complaining... so shut the hell up. Don't break the law, and you won't get pulled over. It really is as simple as that.

LOL now this is a FML right here haha that sux

j1026 0

Haha, that's hella funny! My car has a loud exhaust too because my boyfriend wants to "rice it out" SUX! Hopefully nothing like that happens to you again :)