By Johannes_712 - 05/07/2019 12:00

Today, my brother is getting married to my crush of 7 years. To make that even worse, they're moving in with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 669
You deserved it 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you agree to having them move in with you??

And did you do anything about those feelings in the 7 years you've known them? Because people aren't just going to wait around for a confession from someone they don't even know likes them.


Why did you agree to having them move in with you??

And did you do anything about those feelings in the 7 years you've known them? Because people aren't just going to wait around for a confession from someone they don't even know likes them.

A thought occurs: what if OP's brother was dating his fiancé/e before OP met them, and that's when he formed his crush?

Then **** him even more because that shit is OFF LIMITS. Man up, and move on.

it's your fault for letting them move in with you. ydi

Traveling_Book 9

For your sanity don’t let them move in. I get trying to be nice but it almost sounds like you just want them to stay with you so you can be closer to her.

Sonotsuave 35

Okay seriously. This ain’t a platform to mope sir. You had all that time to tell them / You didn’t / You didn’t have to let them move in with you / There you go

Why are you letting them move in with you?

Some people are calling you an idiot, but you're doing the right thing. Two people you care about need a place to live, so you're putting your feelings aside and offering it to them. As to why you never told your crush, that's also because you're a decent person. What kind of jackass would declare love to his brother's girlfriend/fiancee? You're a good man.

Oh Shut up. Apparently your brother had the guts you lacked, If you had asked her out, and/or told her how you felt, and she rejected you, at least you'd have a clear conscience that you tried. Quit pouting, little boys pout, Men like your brother go our and get things done.