By Anonymous - 29/10/2015 20:53 - United States

Today, my brother got his very first paycheck and blew it all on weed and a godawful tattoo, whereas I have been saving steadily for three years. Yet according to mum and dad, I'm the one who is irresponsible with money, because if I was being responsible I'd have enough for my own house by now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 446
You deserved it 1 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do they think you're some big shot CEO or something?? Who can save enough for a house in just three years???

liquifiednate 21

Just keep saving your money OP and you'll be rewarded in the end. Then when that happens you can have something to show to your parents whereas your brother won't.


It sucks when you're not the favorite kid...sorry your parents are jerks, OP!

I imagine it's more than likely due to the fact that they are the older sibling. Just a guess though.

I mean, it seems like OP's parents are never going to be pleased with their accomplishments and the sibling gets all the praise for doing nothing.

Just another reason that parents should be illegal.

Fair enough. We can only hope for a follow-up!

That really sucks OP. But in 10 years when you have your own house and your brother is still living at home, it'll be pretty clear who made the right financial choices.

I have to disagree on the right decision part. Some children are always the black sheep no matter how many good choices they make. It sounds like op's parents have blinders on that will never come off.

It was the brother's very first paycheck, I mean are we saying that if you splurge on your first paycheck that you end up never leaving home?

JocelynKaulitz 28

On the bright side, OP doesn't have a god awful tattoo to remind them.

She never told us how she spent her money, however. She might have blown it all on cocaine and gawd-awful piercings.

@31 OP said he/she saved up the earned money for 3 years...

liquifiednate 21

Just keep saving your money OP and you'll be rewarded in the end. Then when that happens you can have something to show to your parents whereas your brother won't.

Oh he'll have something alright, an uglyass tattoo.

Chin up, OP. Just keep saving, they'll see you're responsible one day.

Just see if they have the same opinion when your brother is covered in Taylor Gang tattoos and you have your own business.

meli1195 31

what if OP doesn't want their own business??

whatunicorn 17

Slow and steady wins the race. Let him do what he wants eventually you'll be the successful one, just keep your head straight and focus on yourself. Oh and remember you don't need your parents approval, yeah it'd be nice, but if you continue as you are you'll win at the game of life. Best of luck !

Do they think you're some big shot CEO or something?? Who can save enough for a house in just three years???

I suppose it depends on how big you want the down payment to be.

And how old OP is. If they're 17, they won't get approved for a mortgage

To be honest, this is not that unrealistic. Even making close to minimum and working part time, if OP lives at home currently and parents pay his bills, he should have no trouble saving $500-$1,000/mo. After 3 years that is more than enough for a down payment on a modest home.

I'm thinking they meant for a downpayment, not to pay for the entire house. 3 years seems adequate if you actually put your mind to saving up.

Op might have to pay some bills for a phone or a credit card. For me at minimum wage I'm paying almost $90 for my phone with 2gb of data (cheapest I could find with good service) and whatever I spent with my card. So I never see $500 a month.

Capitan 15

Don't worry about it, do your thing and let the future lay out your success for the rest to see.

I'm not seeing a problem..... Weed is a good investment.

Don't care if this is a joke. No it damn well isn't.

I don't know what these guys problem is. Weed is a good investment.

I have officially lost all faith un humanity

2 disappointing humans don't make up the entire race, come on :b

#10 yeah that seems a bit excessive. Especially if you haven't ever received a paycheck...