By Anonymous - 12/08/2019 22:02 - Germany

Today, I asked my boss to pay me for the only 2 sick days I had taken in 6 months, but he didn't want to. I reminded him that it's the law now in Germany, even for part-time work, so he said OK. Two hours later, he fired me. One week before my probationary period was up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 980
You deserved it 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, but it's the risk that you take for putting your head above the parapet during a probationary period. might be better to find out what sort of boss you have sooner rather than later, though.

Can you sue them for unfair dismissal or does it not apply to probation period?


That sucks, but it's the risk that you take for putting your head above the parapet during a probationary period. might be better to find out what sort of boss you have sooner rather than later, though.

Two sick days in six months? I haven’t taken two sick days in six years. I would have let your entitled millennial ass go too.

Life must suck for you! Luckily in Sweden we don’t have those strict laws

Give 'em a break. They work with people who don't vaccinate!

julfunky 29

Yea, God forbid someone rests when they’re sick.

You do realize some people have bad immune systems and get sick more often than others, right? Just cuz you’re healthy doesn’t mean other people are too.

Wow what an asshole. Good thing you’d have fired me I definitely wouldn’t want to work for you!

Kilala700 17

You seem like the person to yell at cashiers when the price of an item changes because the store changed it.

Alister 4

Hey look, an entitled boomer

Mungolikecandy 19

You do not know what sickness they had, You are lucky you have not been sick in that amount of time but it is not entitlement to have to take a sick day here and there. In fact, it is stupidity not to if you will spread sickness across the workplace causing productivity to fall.

ViviMage 38

I knew the Hund part: Pronounced "shvine-hoond." German for "pig-dog." A vile insult in Germany, it has come to enjoy a modicum of popularity in the U.S., in either it's original German form, or translated to English

Aw, you have a crush on me! I’m flattered.

Can you sue them for unfair dismissal or does it not apply to probation period?

ViviMage 38

I would have waited until I got the probation trial period under my belt and then asked for retro pay instead of bullying him into it. Sorry about your luck.

Mathalamus 24

I wouldn't have said anything at all. You do not stick out your neck over, at best 200 dollars for 16 hours of work. It's not that important.

should have waited until the probationary period was over then he would've been screwed