By anonymous - 10/11/2015 22:15 - Czech Republic

Today, my boyfriend, who is rather large, picked me up to give me a hug, and some over-eager security guard actually pointed his taser at him and told him to put me down. So he put me down and tried to ask what he'd done wrong. The bastard tased him for acting aggressively. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 718
You deserved it 1 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheEpicKitten 20

Your boyfriend certainly felt the spark in your relationship.


If anyone ever tazed me they'd better be ready to do it again because just once won't stop me.

Thats a major lawsuit. Especially since he's not a cop. He didn't even have a reason, well at least a legitimate reason.

I hope the asshole loses his job and I hope your boyfriend can press charges on him for assault or sue him. idk what rights he has but I hope something can be done. that jerk needs tazed back!

I'm not sure if you're reading this, OP, but out of curiosity... did your boyfriend happen to be black? Regardless of skin color your boyfriend didn't deserve it and you didn't deserve to see your boyfriend hurt. You have my sympathies.

I was going to make the exact same comment, but since OP is from the czech republic, that's extremely unlikely. for the same reason, I can't tell her she's a millionaire since she can just sue the guy

I feel you OP. With great size comes great targetability.