By TrophyGirlfriend - 17/08/2009 05:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was fired. After breaking the news, he also broke up with me. Apparently, his boss had a creepy crush on me and would give my boyfriend bonuses for bringing me to company events and, occasionally, out on the boss's personal boat. Looks like I am no longer useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 897
You deserved it 3 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, it means you're attractive enough for someone else at the very least.

At least you can go out with the boss now. He has a boat! BOATS AND HOES!


Dopehead666 21

haha thats pretty funny but seriously, FYL

...a creepy crush? Sounds like a pretty normal one to me. You deserve it for being an illiterate fat ****.

Wow. o.o; That's creepy- and wrong. Hope you find someone else who actually likes you for you- not for some guy with a crush who gives them bonuses.

that kind of crush sounds NORMAL to you?? people like you don't deserve to get laid. they seldom do anyway. YDI for projecting yourself onto the OP. tisk tisk.

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you people? She absolutely should NOT date the boss! Someone who bribes a guy to date someone just so he has jacking fodder =/= boyfriend material.

Exactly. Marry him, hang out for a while, then divorce him and keep half his stuff.

ladiidaa 0

Yes. Lets add more, "My ex wife is a gold digging ho" fmls to this site. =.=

Marry him and keep half his stuff? You're an idiot. I hope you're not some **** who has this as her retirement plan because that's not how it works. You can't just marry some rich guy and divorce him the next day for half his money. Marriage laws state you're only entitled to (maybe) half of the assets the marriage produces. You're entitled to nothing he had before marrying him.

Dynoblaze 1

wow. Your boyfriend was pimping you out kinda. guess you should be glad it's over. Bet his boss has photos of you somewhere so he can get off.

Cupcake10 0


Essentials 0

go find the boss. he clearly wants you.

eww what is wrong with that boss? and your ex what a douche. >.> hate men like that.