Happy Holidays

By Alone - 27/12/2020 13:58 - Italy

Today, after spending Christmas alone because my bus home got cancelled due to Covid, I found that I have to spend the New Year alone and potentially homeless because my flight home got cancelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 909
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

With the Pandemic why were you not staying "Home" to begin with?

I feel bad for you, but there's a freaking pandemic that's been going on all year. And you live in Italy, one of the worst countries hit throughout Europe. I get that you're lonely, yet I don't see how you weren't expecting this. Also, how exactly are you going to be homeless? If you paid for a flight you couldn't really afford, and now you lack rent, see if the airline will refund you. Or is it that you're just being evicted?


I feel bad for you, but there's a freaking pandemic that's been going on all year. And you live in Italy, one of the worst countries hit throughout Europe. I get that you're lonely, yet I don't see how you weren't expecting this. Also, how exactly are you going to be homeless? If you paid for a flight you couldn't really afford, and now you lack rent, see if the airline will refund you. Or is it that you're just being evicted?

tounces7 27

With the Pandemic why were you not staying "Home" to begin with?

could be a student living in campus or someone who works away party of the year. neither of those is that unusual

I am hoping for more to the story, otherwise while it is shitty YDI for travelling during a world wide pandemic. I hear about management's families at work stuck in Mexico, or Hawaii during this. but also people who are being "sent back home" after living somewhere for months prior to covid and who had planned to stay...

sarahcroy20 12

Yes because you shouldn't be traveling during a pandemic.

FML_Fan86 6

That's what happens to people who travel during a pandemic. Karma!

rotflqtms_ 21

I haven't seen my family or friends in almost a year due to covid and I won't see them until it's over. It's a sacrifice I made when I became a nurse during a pandemic. I know spending time, especially holidays away from family sucks, but taking a bus and a plane during the pandemic is really unsafe. Trust that you can make it through this year of holidays away from your loved ones. How'd you feel if you caught it on the bus/plane and carried it back to your family, and one of those family members died from it? I know it sucks, but for now just put your happiness aside to keep your family safe and alive. The vaccine is here so you won't have that much longer before you're able to travel. (I don't know how long, but it can't be THAT much longer) You've made it this far, so just hold out a bit longer. And please don't travel. Keep your friends & family safe.