By thissucks - 01/03/2009 19:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was coming over so I bought this sexy corset, some fishnets, stilettos and see-through thong. After my dad left I dressed up and a few minutes later the doorbell rang. I answered it, whip in hand. It was my dad. He forgot his keys. I'm grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 780
You deserved it 174 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vandaleyes 0

Rule of thumb: If you're young enough to be grounded by your parents, you're probably extremely young to be wearing that. You deserved that one.

"Um... I need to do this for a class."


i'm 20 and i get sucks, but its possible. i need evidence to confirm the authenticity of this story.

barbie333 0

YDI...if you got grounded your too young

you should have told him that that's how you usually dress when he's out

Miss_Jazzalyn 4

Just because she got grounded doesn't mean she's too young. I have friends who have been grounded and they're like 19. Also seconded #228's comment.

aerosmith3312 2

I think that a robe would solve all yourproblems here OP. your dad doesn't get to see the goods, and robes are easy to take off when your bf gets there.

stef07_fml 0

yeah your a dumb ass alright

smartalek 2

it'd be different if it was just like sexy bra and panties. but she's prolly 16 up. cuz she can drive to go buy it then....