By confused - 28/09/2011 04:55 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend told me that having sex with me was as good as eating crispy bacon. I don't know if I should feel complimented. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 206
You deserved it 8 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes you should, cause there is nothing better than crispy bacon

saIty 17

Wow you should feel honored. That is one of the most complimentary compliment I have heard in my life. Be proud you know how to work it girl.


It's a compliment, darling. Crispy Bacon is practically an ****** for the mouth!~

not_cool808 14

No Jimmy. Nobody said bacons. Now get back in your cage.

Does he really like bacon. If yes then take it as a compliment.

perdix 29

It depends. Generally, such a statement is high praise, unless he's one of those who prefers his bacon limp, which would mean you're very good, but not great. Of course, if your boyfriend is Jewish or Muslim, it means you are an irresistible sin for which cosmic consequences will be paid.

Once again perdix FTW! Although what would it mean of the OP is a vegetarian?

perdix 29

It would mean the boyfriend doesn't mind blatant hypocrisy. I'll bet he claims he's a celibate vegetarian, whereas he's really a bacon-eating ******.

ikickgingers 15

20 - I LOL'd at irresistible sin.

perdix 29

Hmmm, Kicky, you laugh at irresistible sin, eh? I'll think of you next time I'm planning a heist, or when I decide to build an idol. Other sins could be fun, too! Let's go to the mall and openly covet the purchases of others.

yenidewi 11

hope he doesn't mean 'the smell' of the crispy bacon .. lol

Take it as a good thing because bacon is good. Unless your a vegetarian.

well, most vegetarians love the taste of meat, but don't eat it for some reason of their own. aka: bacon= =}

drawmesunshine 17

They make vegetarian bacon. It's really creepy, though, and NOTHING like bacon. So I guess they don't have vegetarian bacon, just something that vaguely resembles the idea of bacon and happens to be vegetarian.

i think it really depends whether he likes it crispy in the first place ? crispy bacon tends to be all dried up compared to those that are fried just nice with enough chewiness in them so u can savour all the artery clogging fatty goodness!

WallyTheWombat 0

If your crispy bacon is dry then you're not cooking it right. There's a perfect medium where you wanna stop that leaves your bacon crispy, yet doesn't leave that dry charred feeling in your mouth that overbooked bacon does.

Yes, it's a huge compliment. Next time you make him a sammich, be sure to throw some bacon in there. You're probably not as good as Canadian bacon though, so don't get too excited...