By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 08:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told his parents about my bondage fetish. In front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 601
You deserved it 3 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Maybe they'll give you a dungeon as a wedding gift!


your boyfriends a ****. i woulda hit him

@#5 You're on the Internet. @OP The perfect way to get revenge: "forget" the safety word.

it's ok. I have a water fetish trust me ur fine sweetie.

haha #18, im kinda into bondage too OP and whats a water fetish? u like having sex in water?

@31, Having sex in water could be what he/she means/ Or they could be refering to Liquidophilia which is the attraction or desire to immerse your genitals in liquids. (Damn, I need to stop reading on weird things like these, I'm only 13 -.-;)

Mackenize16 0

I also have a bondage fetish ;) Thats why my boyfriend always has ropes & duct tape around his house

water fetish is when you get turned on by water. the sound the feel the smell anything really.

Mackenize16 0

Yea i definitely don't have a water fetish

dam lol 32 how the hell id u read about that and 33... kinda cool lol

cool? I haven't heard it described that way yet. lol