By Anonymous - 12/02/2015 16:50 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my boyfriend threw a fit because I "still" live with my mother at age 30. I bought her an apartment in my building and hired a live-in nurse because she is senile and permanently bedridden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 322
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the logical one here OP. And you might want to get him a nurse too. He seems a little senile himself.

Wow, your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. You're a great daughter for taking the best possible care of your mother even if she is senile. Keep doing what you're doing, OP.


missnuthin 10

sounds like your boyfriend needs to either get the f**k over himself, or get the f**k out. someone with that kind of insecurity and ego issues isn't someone you need in your life if you're having to tend to your mother like that. and good for you btw!

Sounds like it's time to move on from that insensitive prick.

first of all, you're a great daughter and what you did for your mom was the right thing to do. second, your bf is a childish douchebag and if he's such a terrible person that he wouldn't do the same for his mother you should kick him to the curb.

Very mature of him... (Foarte matur din partea lui)

Time to leave him and find someone who looks at what you did as mature and caring. He sounds like an uppity little brat.