By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I said yes and he gave me an engagement ring. He immediately went to call his mom to tell her the happy news. After the phone call, he asked if he could return the ring because his mom needed money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 486
You deserved it 3 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oi. That sucks. But hey, it's okay. It's just a ring. It's not like he took back his proposal.


it's a stupid ritual anyway. completely Neanderthal.

If he was serious in wanting to return your ring so his mum could have the money, i would seriously dump his ass, i could imagine the future with him and his mum now.

MissSparkie typical possession hungry female attitude. its not the value of the gift its the thought that counts. "it's a stupid ritual anyway. completely Neanderthal." is correct. #171 is wrong Also no one knows the complete conditions of the agreement. did the mother do it for spite or did she actually need money. rings are expensive so potentially the money could be for surgery, but if its for luis vuitton handbags then **** her. IF the reason is legit for the mother to ask then its up to the son to ask forward. I say OP is complaining because of the loss of the new material object. YTDI

666HailSatan666 0

Hold on, out of curiosity, why couldn't OP's fiance just sell some of his own possessions instead of asking for the ******* ring back? Seriously, the last thing you would probably want to sell is your future wife's engagement ring.

pak0 It's got nothing to do with the value of the ring, everything to do with the fact that if he is prepared to actually do that, it spells out what the rest of her life with him will be, always going without for his mother.

iheyman 0

Yes this is no FML! you greedy b*tch! His mom could be really sick and your crying because you have no ring?! Since when do you need a ring to love somone!? YDI

Of course, depending on what the mom needed the money for. If she "needed" it for a new caoch bad, then **** her. But since we don't know we can't safely assume anything...

what a dumbass! if he was actually serious i would have thrown the ring back at his face and left him. sweetie, you deserve a man who is going to respect you more than that. his broke mother probably got herself in that situation in the first place, and you dont deserve to suffer. thats embarrassing! also your fiance (?) is a pansy, and a douche bag. i'll be damned if I'm going to be second best to a controlling woman like that!

Hurt16 0

Are you kidding me!!! I mean the girl loves u but that's the WEDdING ring we girls take that as a sacrid (don't mind the spelling :-)) object... That's like giving up your first born....