By Sad Chef ;( - 05/12/2014 03:33 - United States

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. Being a chef of a highly-rated restaurant, I cooked a well-liked dish. Not only did she say no, but commented on how bland and tasteless the meal was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 952
You deserved it 3 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BBlah 26

She's a straight up bitch, I know it sucks right now but be glad you're not spending the rest of your life with her

Some people are just that hard to please. Don't worry OP, you'll find someone better


BBlah 26

She's a straight up bitch, I know it sucks right now but be glad you're not spending the rest of your life with her

Or maybe op girlfriend was trying to dodge the bullet

maybe she just wasn't prepared for marriage, and maybe the comment on the food was in an earlier conversation and was meant as more of nice criticism

#47, I agree that she might not have been ready to commit to marriage, but a criticism, even if it's nice, might not have been the best thing to say after rejecting someone's marriage proposal.

XcuzimsotiredX 25

but it could have been before, not after he asked.

Some people are just that hard to please. Don't worry OP, you'll find someone better

39, That's not true. There are many women who are not like this. There are numerous women who are understanding and not impossible to please. There are both men and women who are impossible to please, just like there are both men and women who are okay with their partner giving a minimal amount of effort. And there's people who are in between that, with moderate expectations. To suggest that all women are like this, or that only women are like this, is honest quite sexist.

looks like you need to upgrade your recipes as well as your girl OP. rejection sucks

That was like a double bitchslap across your face... Sorry OP :(

Your girlfriend sounds like a jerk, I think you need to add "ex" to her title.

She's a jerk because she doesn't want to marry him...? And maybe she didn't know he cooked the meal but I don't know.

No, I'm saying she is a jerk for saying no, then adding insult to injury by insulting his cooking. He already felt bad enough, she didn't need to make it worse.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Someone up above in the comments suggested that maybe she'd mentioned that earlier in the meal, and perhaps it wasn't meant nastily.

TallMist 32

If it was mentioned earlier in the meal, I would not have proposed after hearing how much that my cooking "sucked". I may not break up with them, but I'd be left a little sour. Too much so to propose.

want to know what else is bland and tasteless? these nuts in your mouth :o

I wouldn't be too upset. Looks like you dodged that bullet.