By not my bf anymore - 05/11/2015 21:15 - United States

Today, I found out that my new boyfriend is a "Men's Rights Activist". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 593
You deserved it 7 565

Same thing different taste

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Why is he not your boyfriend anymore? Wow.

Judging by your user name and the fact you dumped him, I take it you are a third wave neo-feminist man hater?


WHTrunner 4

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Judging by your user name and the fact you dumped him, I take it you are a third wave neo-feminist man hater?

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Screw men! They're just a bunch of anti-women, socialist, Marxist, communist, inhumane peasants who deserve to be euthanized after giving women their seed!

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Why is he not your boyfriend anymore? Wow.

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Ciela 22