By TheIVkindaruinsthemood - 05/08/2015 18:58 - United States - Milford

Today, my boyfriend got upset that I wouldn't give him head. He was visiting me at the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 036
You deserved it 2 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you work there, or did you just have your tonsils removed? There're different levels of inappropriateness...

Really? That's what you got out of this? "At least he visited you"? That's the least a decent human being can do, much less a boyfriend. Do you just have low standards or something?


At least he visited you? But he really should be more considerate about you.

Really? That's what you got out of this? "At least he visited you"? That's the least a decent human being can do, much less a boyfriend. Do you just have low standards or something?

In the past I had a boyfriend that refused to visit me because he hated hospitals. But no, even back then my standards weren't low enough to keep him around afterwards.

Do you work there, or did you just have your tonsils removed? There're different levels of inappropriateness...

From the user name, looks like OP is there for medicine and not employment. :)

Getting your tonsils removed is no joking matter. I you are really unlucky it might get you stuck in a rare "definitely-not-alive-yet-seemingly-not-dead-enough-to-get-you-buried-in-a-timely-manner" quantum state. (Don't know what I'm talking about? Go read Doc Bastard's blog!)

That's a weirdly flippant context to bring up that up in, 41. That being said, Doc has a pretty good blog.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it would seem that you're dating a moron.

You should marry him OP. So that the next time you're in the hospital, if all goes well your next visit should be for delivery, he can visit you and ask you to make him a sandwich. I'll wait for your FML a couple of years down the road. I'm using sarcasm because I suspect people have already flat out told you to leave him. And clearly that didn't work.

amileah13 26

This just infuriates me. Here you are in the hospital for whatever reason and he's been selfish and wants head. Not a good boyfriend, I think it's time to reevaluate your relationship with him. I just hope it was a simple joke.

Sorry to say it, but this ever so hilarious joke is far from "simple".

FalloutScrolls 25

#6 I couldn't have said that any better. This would be one of those "you mean ex boyfriend" moments. What a self centered asshole.

That's upsetting and inappropriate, so much disrespect on his part. You shouldn't have to deal with that

I'd say yes, then when he came over I'd punch him so hard in his "head" that he would be getting his own hospital bed.

Nothing says humanity like punching guys in the head (penis head applicable) in a damn hospitable. Atleast you were kind enough to have him il get immediate support, right?

Nothing says humanity like prioritising your genitals over the life of your partner.

come on baby lets get that cast off of your neck, yeeeeeeh! that's more like it.

I think this a first I've ever seen zero "you deserved it" votes, which OP doesn't. That's absolutely ridiculous and immature not to realize when that is appropriate and when it is not. (And yes, I know the voting is bound to change.)

even as a joke, it is absolutely unacceptable since the circumstances make it insensitive, inconsiderate and completely inappropriate. it would hurt my feelings severely, which is why I am assuming this is how OP feels as this is an FML. if he did only just want some action, dump him.