By clashgurl8449 - 17/02/2011 08:08

Today, my boyfriend fed me chocolate chip cookies with laxatives in them because he was concerned I did not poop enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 424
You deserved it 4 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheaRight 0

At least he knows girls poop.. Remember the girl that had to use the gas station to poop because her boyfriend thought girls didn't poop? Would you prefer that?

I would dump him like a load of poop for giving me meds of any type without my knowledge. There is something just a little twisted in giving your girlfriend laxatives without her knowledge. Makes one wonder what else he has given you.


perdix 29

Sounds like he's hinting for a Cleveland Steamer or a Dirty Sanchez.

I would dump him like a load of poop for giving me meds of any type without my knowledge. There is something just a little twisted in giving your girlfriend laxatives without her knowledge. Makes one wonder what else he has given you.

no it's not twisted obviously he was concerned btw I'm not sure If you know but if you don't shit for a week you die

Good God are you completely kidding me? If you don't poop in a week you will die? Giving someone medication without their knowledge is dangerous and stupid. she could have had an allergic reaction to something in the medication and died from that for real. Next time study some anatomy and physiology before you comment that if you don't poop in a week you will die.

fluffbunny 0

that's not true. I was on medicine after surgery that didn't make me poop and I didn't go till after 8 days. they were giving me stool softener and that didn't work with the morphine, oxycotin, and percacept I was taking.

ladybugobgyn 0

Are you sure you're not still on those medications? That would excuse the way the spelling was butchered...

killabee 0

What the hell? My comment won't post! This is a test....

Your tongue is fricking creepy . No offence

toenay 0

he should've given you more than. ge was thinking of you lol

That is illegal...what's next Roofies?? Red Flag he is controlling, get away from him!

you a feminist it was either a joke or he was actually concerned, lighten up glamazon

30 is right, op's bf gave her a drug without her consent or knowledge. It sounds pretty controlling to me.

Hmm. What else has he been slipping you on the sly?

xmarkstheheart 0

Maybe he's a guerilla proctologist. He's keeping it real street.

You also need to poop it all out before doing anal so that your bf doesn't get poop penis and/or you don't shir dIf this is his true motive, getting you primed and ready for butt sex, then you may want to try